Sunday, April 19, 2009


A few weeks ago, I came home and Casey told me that Paige had a rough morning. I asked him why and he told me to go look at the camera. I found these.
My first thought was that she got a tube of desitin and smeared it all over her face. Come to find out, Casey was touching up some paint in the kitchen and she pulled the gallon of paint off the table right on top of her. She was wearing pj's (that went straight into the trash) I can only imagine how covered she was. There was paint all over the kitchen floor and splattered all over our cabinets and appliances. Poor Casey...and Paige, but luckily s didn't get all over her eyes and mouth. I don't really know how she managed that one.

1 comment:

Niki said...

Is it wrong that I find these pictures so funny? I hope all the paint comes off :)