Saturday, July 18, 2009

Today's predicted high in Grand Rapids:

67 Degrees

Today's predicted high in Phoenix:

117 Degrees
That's only a difference of a whopping 50 degrees. But I assure you, come winter, I will be jealous of the Arizona weather!!!


stephen&andrea said...

i would take that weather any day. Your going to love having seasons, you lucky girl. So how are you i heard what you are having congrats!!
when are you due again?
Anyways hope all of you are doing well!

TrishAnderson said...

I have to agree with Andrea - at least right now. I might question if I was actually in that winter and not ours. Still, now I am VERY jealous of you!!!

Niki said...

Not fair!!!!

skinners said...

i am very, very jealous. i really do live in the wrong state!

thanks for that book you guys sent by the way. i'm embarrassed i haven't sent a than you note. and to be honest, it blends right in with our other books in the condition its in. very sweet of you to think of us!

i hope residency is going well for you guys too. for us at least, it just feels like another year of rotations so far. maybe once we're in missouri it will feel more official. although pay checks are pretty great!

i love reading your blog, sorry i never comment! miss you too!

Porter and Karla said...

i could use that right now seeing that it is too hot to take this newborn outside and elizabeth is stir crazy inside all day. you are getting close!!! you will love having a little boy. it is a million times sweeter then i could have ever imagined, im really excited for you.