Sunday, November 16, 2008

Apples, apples, apples

My sister and I got together to make applesauce and apple pie filling. The recipe for pie filling is absolutely delicious. We did this a couple years ago when Casey's Grandpa had a bunch of apples from his garden. The apples failed this year so we ordered 4 boxes from Utah and canned away. Paige was a big help and so was Matt, who probably peeled a whole box of apples by himself.

Here is our finished product...I forgot to take a picture before we started packing up our jars so most of them were already packed in boxes.


Niki said...

Um...those cans of apples look delicious! Was it hard to do?

Sara Adams said...

I'm so impressed! I'm scared to death to can anything...ummm I may have to pass my knowledge of your canning ability on to the enrichment couselor! :P

TrishAnderson said...

I love apple pie filling and apple sauce. I am a fellow canner - that is what our extended family is getting this year for Christmas!!! We will have to do it together some time!

Kisha Atkin said...

I wish you lived closer so that i you could teach me! Dang. looks yummy!

Niki said...

Hey, thanks for the cookies and the nice, supportive note, both made me smile :) Hopefully it will all be over soon...thanks again, my visiting teachers ROCK!

Steven and Becky Trujillo said...

Good job Tamara! You're such a trooper.

rindy said...

i can't believe how big paige is! she is walking??? i am still trying to get whitney to crawl! your pictures are so cute. you guys look great and sounds like you are super busy with casey moving around everywhere. he will be done in may, right???